DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

19 July, 2011

The Most Beautiful Island in France

From Bayeux we were heading sideways, straight to Mont St Michel, a monastery built on a little island of rock amidst salt flats and quicksand.

This is roughly when my love affair with the French countryside began. I have a lot of photos that look like this now.

It also doesn't hurt when this pops out of the horizon...

Yes, that is the unmistakeable silhouette of Mont St Michel. Our little hotel almost had a direct view of it.

I had to hang off the balcony outside our room to take that photo, and just barely got it in the shot. Still not bad though, eh?

I love it. Can you tell?

We decided to have dinner at the hotel restaurant, and were surprised to discover that included a show. A show involving the local sheep farm releasing their flock down the street past the hotel.

Tom decided he had to join the party. The sheep weren't impressed.

We even got to see a sheepdog in action.

The sheep certainly pay attention!

I miss my Allie baby! She'd love to play with sheep!

Anyway, we decided to move on to dinner. Which unfortunately did include lamb, I'm sorry to report.

Dave almost got to try two desserts!

We decided to take a little after-dinner road trip out to Mont St Michel to see it at sunset. It didn't disappoint!

We got up the next morning ready to explore it properly.

Tom admired this very compact sporting good (i.e. tennis racket) management on the back of a car in the carpark...

We passed a very famous omelette-making restaurant where the chefs play songs as they whisk their very fluffy eggs...

Just look at all that butter! All the deliciousness!

Tom played with a sword in a shop...

I of course photographed doors...

And we kept climbing and climbing and climbing.

Tom thought it was hilarious to pretend that he was reading something and then look like he was falling through this particular arch (which did in fact have glass in the middle).

A replica of angel Michel that sits atop the spire of the building.

This was apparently the only monastery never to leave French hands in history. It would have been very easy to defend! Here is Tom demonstrating...

Pretty good visibility from all angles, I'd say!

And cliffs to scale if anyone made it close enough.

Meanwhile, us tourists just have to pay money and climb lots of stairs. I can handle that.

They do give you free water for your trouble. Tom was very happy.

Can you spot Dave and Cassie here?

Tom in an absolutely giant fireplace cavity.

Then, of course, came the inevitable search for food. We were very frightened by the prices at the fancy omelette shop, so decided to go with a more cost effective option that still offered a St Michel omelette. The verdict? Extremely fluffy, and virtually tasteless. Salt and pepper works wonders.

Tom also really enjoys the French never-ending supply of bread, and complementary olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

And to top it off, a "St Michel" apple crepe. Very very nice.

On that very sweet note, we left Mont St Michel in favour of new sights.

So much more to see!

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