DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

06 March, 2011

Which Grey?

So, what is it to be? Elephant Grey or Alley Cat? Perhaps I should also be asking why I'm gravitating towards colours named after animals?

Well! As you know, I painted up my sample cardboard (thank Louis for the use of your box) with my "radical" paint sample, 'Alley Cat'.

And then I taped it up next to Elephant Grey and had a crisis over whether I thought it was perfect or too dark.

So I left it, and then took another photo later in the day, in the afternoon light. I deliberately didn't brighen this photo to post, so it's hopefully a bit more accurate. Now Alley Cat looks even darker, yes?

I taped up the smaller piece of painted cardboard in the little bay window alcove, as I'm thinking of not only painting the ceiling in whatever colour I end up choosing, but also the bay window alcove. To tie them together visually and make the alcove feel a bit more special (since it's looking like it will become our bed head). Sorry about the taped up newspaper that still remains here. I'm leaving it there until the alcove is fully painted.

Still not sure about what to choose. So I left it again, and brought in a lamp once night had fallen, and took another couple of shots in that light while lying on my back on the floor (where the bed will go).

And that's what decided me. At night, the room that's so bright and cheery during the daytime seemed absolutely giant, kind of cold, a bit unwelcoming, and not at all cosy. The ceiling is very far away when you're lying on the floor, and feels like it looms over you.

So... that decided me then and there. I think a darker ceiling will really up the cosy factor (and who doesn't want their bedroom to feel cosy?), and give us the little bit of drama we're looking for. I'm now certain that if we kept it white or went with the safer Elephant Grey choice I would always regret it.

Here's the baby cardboard sample above the windows from my spot lying on the floor (so it looks upside down because it is). This will be the view when lying in bed.

So... the decision is made. We're taking the plunge! I'm not sure that I can wait for Solver to open tomorrow to buy the paint, so might have to make the longer trip to Bunnings if I can't hold out that long.

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