DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

18 March, 2011

Am I Brave Enough?

This is my 100th Post!!! Already?!! Clearly I'm a little blog-dicted.

In the absence of photos recording yesterday's massive House Raising Take Two effort... (don't worry, I definitely took photos, I just seem to have temporarily lost the camera...don't ask), I thought I might float an idea that's been whizzing around in my head.

What do we all think of coloured doors?

Outside Lighting traditional entry

Now don't freak out, I'm not thinking of painting anything red. However I was gazing at the freshly painted wall of the lounge room the other night thinking... yawn. It's so boring.

Those are the two doorways to the bedrooms.

So, I started thinking. Maybe I could make the doors to those rooms slightly more colourful!

The Front Door eclectic entry

Just kidding. I'm not that brave.
Dont Forget About the Doors! | Apartment Therapy New York

I know it's not necessarily a sensible, think-about-resale-value choice (especially since this can't be a long-term house for us if we intend to add brothers and sisters for Allie in the future), but it doesn't have to be something completely out there. It can still be classy and subdued-ish and colour neutral-ish...

House with two souls contemporary entry

And I'm very happy with how my step-out-of-my-comfort-zone ceiling turned out.

Maybe a similar colour in semi-gloss paint on the doors would be a nice touch. Remember most of the internal doors in our house look like this:

Don't you think a muted grey-ish kind of colour would look nice?

That's a shot of the wall before it was painted (just under-coated), but it's in daylight, so gives a slightly better representation of the amount of light in the room during the day.

sourced from Perfectly Imperfect

The trim around the doors would stay white (although I'll be repainting it in a slightly creamier white).

What do you think?


  1. I think grey would be gorgeous! For our house, I've decided to keep all the doors wood tones and go with white trim everywhere else. I LOVE the contrast!

    (And I secretly harbor an obsession for black interior doors.)

    I'm loving all your shots of your house. Can't wait to catch up on your archives.

  2. you two are such hard workers! go for the color on the doors! High Gloss.

  3. I really think I am leaning in the direction of coloured doors. I've even harboured the same longings for glossy black doors, Kim, although that probably requires more bravery than I've got. Perhaps I should wait to see how the room looks with furniture in it before we decide. I'm a bit worried that it might make the walls look shorter, and the room smaller.


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