DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

05 March, 2011

It's Raining Paint

It's also been raining rain, meaning that it's impossible to make it from the footpath to the inside of the house without a two centimetre layer of wet clay caked onto the sole of your shoes. Must do something about that.

In the meantime, I'm very happy to announce that we have completely operable plumbing after the plumber finished things off this morning. Here's our beautiful temporary kitchen sink (read laundry tub).

I also managed to finish off the VJs in our kitchen extension (well almost, I need help with the corner) that I didn't quite get to last weekend before the 6:30pm noise curfew. I'm still pretty proud that I've managed to do that by myself, might I add!

 And then it was sanding time. Our strategy on Saturdays is to make as much noise as possible... well, to accomplish only jobs that can't be done on Sunday without noise. So, at the moment, those jobs are... sanding, sanding and sanding. Here I am in my sanding outfit.If you look reeeeeally closely you can see all of the specks of dust and paint in my hair.

While Daniel slept off another night shift, I decided to get the west wall of the kitchen ready for painting at long last. First step was to clean the ridiculously filthy second-hand VJs on the right. They're the ones that are patchy brown, and they went from this:

To this. Gross, huh?

The paint was also peeling profusely, so it took a while to sand them to a finish where a fresh coat of paint is actually likely to adhere to them - kind of an important part of the process.

And then Daniel and I moved on to sanding his bedroom and the lounge room in preparation for painting. The ceiling paint in his room is peeling (worse than the boards on the west wall). Probably has been for years. In fact in the short time we lived in the house (before moving out to have it raised) Daniel often got little gifts floating down from the ceiling as paint peeled off.

We couldn't wait for this to happen with the rest of the paint though, so I started the very tedious (and frustrating) process of peeling it off with the only paint scraper I could find.

I didn't get anywhere near all of it peeled, so it looks like it's going to be an ongoing project. Yay.

You wouldn't think so to look at the floor though!


It was exhausting. Allie and I needed a nap!

And now we've got plenty of painting to keep us busy tomorrow!

Not the ceiling of the master bedroom though, because I couldn't make up my mind on the colour before the paint shop closed this afternoon. There have been developments though, so you'll just have to wait and see what I decide on!

Until tomorrow then... :)

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