DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

01 March, 2011

Second Guessing

I was quickly sticky beaking at another home design blog this afternoon (Thrifty Decor Chick) when I stumbled across a post she had done on the fifth wall - the ceiling of a room.

When Tom and I purchased the dreaded paint sprayer machine (which is now sitting quietly in the shed, and likely to remain there until Tom decides to have a go with it), we briefly considered painting the ceiling the same colour as the walls, so we could just go nuts and spray everything. Tom wasn't too keen on the idea, thinking it was a bit wacky, and we eventually decided to stick with plain old ceiling white for the ceilings.

Reading Thrifty Decor Chick's post though, it hit me. We could not only paint the ceiling a colour, but a darker one than the walls, at that!

Our master bedroom is a very bright room, with that big bay window along the East wall, and the little window along the North wall. Here it is before the floors were sanded and re-stained.

Plus, it has giant 3.2m ceilings, so even if we painted the ceiling black it wouldn't make the room feel small. Which is the main argument to keep ceilings white - to make the room feel larger.

In actual fact, now I think of it, it's a well-known design rule that having a dark floor (which we do now) and a dark ceiling makes the walls appear to recede, which in actual fact makes the room look bigger! Ha!

So, given that we've gone pretty boring (although lovely and bright and cheery) with our wall colours, maybe we should consider adding a bit of interest on the ceiling, at least in the master bedroom which gets heaps of light!

I don't know what Tom's going to think, but I'm really liking the idea of a darker colour (perhaps nothing too different from the wall colour which is a pale beigy sort of colour) on the ceiling in there now!

Here are a few pictures to argue my case:

Royal Hawaiian tropical hall

living and dining room ideas traditional dining room

Jeffrey Johnson traditional hall

Jeffrey Johnson eclectic bedroom

South Shore Residence contemporary bedroom

Gaillardia show home traditional bedroom

Acadian Home Dining Porch traditional porch

Luxurious Gold and Silver Painted Dining Room Ceiling traditional dining room

I think I'm becoming convinced. Might be time to take back my tin of ceiling white and start thinking about deeper colours! Exciting!!!!

That also changes my plan to go to the house tonight to sand and paint the ceiling... hmm.

Any thoughts people? I'm looking for second opinions.

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