DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

22 February, 2011


Image sourced from freaking marketing
It's no secret that now we're owner builders we're only allowed to make noise at our house between 6:30am and 6:30pm Monday through Saturday, with absolute silence required on Sunday. It seems pretty ridiculous considering that you would expect owner builders to have day jobs, so cutting their weekend down by half is a bit mean. Nevertheless, those are the rules, so unless we want a $1,000 fine (which we almost definitely would get given how diligent our angry neighbour is with complaining to council), we are making no noise on Sundays. No sanding, no drilling, no hammering, nothing.

That's not to say that we've found this easy! It puts an incredible amount of pressure on our Saturday since it's our only full noise-making day. This was particularly annoying yesterday, since we'd hired our floor sander for the full weekend, but couldn't use it because it makes too much noise. So we finished the sanding by hand, and scratched our chins over what else we could achieve without making noise.

And then it hit us! We could measure up the rest of the boards we needed to enclose our West Wall extension, and then pay a visit to our neighbours near our second house, and do a quick bit of timber cutting there!!! So we lined it up with our wonderful ex-neighbours, borrowed a power cord, and Tom got cutting.

I also made a nice little discovery on the side of the road (yes, I've suddenly turned into one of those weird people that pick random things up from people's footpaths) that I'll talk about soon.

In the meantime, aren't we ingenious?

Love Bec

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