DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

06 February, 2011

Broke Again

We have SO much to catch up on! Compared to last week, progress this week has progressed like the proverbial freight train. And to be honest, I've kind of been putting off completing this post, because even I'm sick of my constant whingeing about machinery. Because... guess what?

The digger broke again.

That is, our replacement digger that was supposed to not be a lemon like the last one. The same one that was leaking hydraulic fluid and then wouldn't start last weekend (because we put the wrong fuel in it, granted).

Earlier in the week, after fixing the machine on our quiet Sunday, Tom was digging our remaining few holes.

To make the holes a bit deeper, he added an extension bar.

He was on the second last one (of those that aren't blocked by the stacks that are currently holding up the house), and the 'power head' of the hole borer snapped off.

That's right. The steel snapped. There's really nothing more to be said, is there?

Needless to say, that was all the hole digging Tom got done that day, and now that part is being repaired. Considering the macine is on loan to us, I think we're pushing our luck insisting that they repair it in the hope of getting it back to dig the other holes with, so we're not 100% certain when we'll be able to finish the holes.

Fortunately we had enough done to be able to support most of the house, so we could then move on to hanging the rest of the poles in preparation for concreting.

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