DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

23 February, 2011

Getting there...

On our quiet Sunday we cut up the VJ boards to try to get closer to finishing off the West Wall in our kitchen.

Tom has had a bit of time off this week, so decided to take advantage of that during-the-week noise-making time to nail up some of the boards he'd cut on the weekend.

Before that though, remember how the roof sheets on our little kitchen extension were sagging in the middle a bit?

And how I said I had an idea about how to fix them? Well I suggested we slide some kind of thin (but sturdy) sheeting in between the roof panels and the beams underneath them to support the sheets across the middle.

So Tom snapped to action, as always.

Allie, on the other hand, decided a snooze on the back steps was a more sensible idea.

Thankfully we remembered to put up some insulation, since of course this wall (and roof) faces West, meaning it bears the brunt of the afternoon sun.

And then Tom installed some thin pine battens.

And then we were ready for the VJs.

So we're nearly there! The next step is to get that gap on the left filled with windows, and for that we need to relocate the window sill from the North wall of the kitchen. You can kind of see it here once Tom removed the trim from underneath the window, to the left of Tom's crowbar.

It's proving to be pretty solidly locked into the wall, so it's going to take either some serious ingenuity or considerable brute force to get it out. Until we manage that, we can't finish off the rest of the West Wall, so we'd better figure it out soon!

And in the meantime, Tom has been working very hard on getting the floor finished (see Part 1 here), and I know everyone's probably dying of curiosity to see it completed...

No? Just me?

Well you'll get to see it anyway soon, taking it from this:

To this once sanded:

To...... wait and see!!!!

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