DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

14 August, 2011

Too Many Puns to Choose From!

After Nimes, our next destination was... wait for it... Nice! And titling this post with "Nice was nice" (or words to that effect) just seems too easy!

We arrived by train as usual, and got a few gorgeous glimpses of the (slightly cloudy) coastline along the way.

We thought we had been very smart drawing ourselves a little map to follow when we arrived at the train station so we could find our hotel easily (a strategy we'd developed over time). The map was fantastic. Unfortunately our sense of direction was not. So we headed in the opposite direction to the way we were supposed to go, and added a few kilometres to our walk.

At least there were a few pretty buildings to look at.

We did find our hotel eventually though, and set out again.

I think the message here is that you need to be careful leaving a bicycle unattended in Nice. Not so nice to cyclists, apparently.

This building Gaudi-ed other buildings! It was awesome!

And then we stumbled across a game of Footvolley! That would be a cross between football and volleyball. It's pretty exciting.

Of course I couldn't be deterred from taking photos of buildings for very long...

Although the weather didn't turn on the niceties for us, Nice still seemed pretty nice (sorry, the pun practically types itself). We decided to hop on a bus (for the massive price of one euro each) and travel to the nearby coastal town of Antibes, that we'd heard was lovely. More on that to come!

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