DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

18 January, 2011

The Insulation Jigsaw Puzzle

As the construction progressed, we learned that the builders did not plan to put any insulation in the walls and ceilings (other than inside the roof). We not only wanted to try to keep the house cool/warm depending on the season, but particularly for Tom's extra special media room, we also wanted to try to insulate sound as well.

Tom investigated a few options for insulation, and discovered that the stuff is incredibly expensive! Then, on Ebay (the holy grail for renovators and DIYers alike), he discovered that a professional insulation installer (based in Brisbane, thankfully) was selling giant bags of his offcuts for $10 a pop. Bargain! We bought about 10 bags, and here they are piled up onto Tom's dodgy trailer.

Here they are again, now unloaded from the trailer and piled into our rumpus room.

And so began a mammoth effort to pack the horrible, scratchy, oddly shaped pieces into the walls (and ceiling of the media room). My awesome jigsaw puzzling skills certainly came in handy!

Looking suitably exhausted (and proud).

Tom obviously decided to colour coordinate his clothing to match the insulation.

We did the entire media room, and almost all of the external walls of the house over the course of a couple of weekends. We had to hurry, since we didn't want to delay the plasterers getting in and putting up the internal walls.

That's a process I'm not keen to repeat ever again!

Here's Tom looking extremely excited about holding a dustpan and brush.

See here for the next stage - the internal walls and cupboards.

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