DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

05 December, 2011

Peas in a Pod

After my little craft project with heart last week, I got excited about starting to add a few more meaningful bits of art to our gallery walls in place of some of our photos that aren't quite perfect.

Here's where I need to make a slightly embarassing revelation. One of Tom's nicknames for me is "sweet pea", pronounced "schweet pea". When I first made the gallery walls, I wanted to make a cute little reference to that nickname, so printed out a little picture of a sweet pea, and popped it in a frame up near the postcard of the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona, Spain (see here), my Croatian necklace, the photo of our shadow on the pebbled path wearing our dorky hats in Santorini, Greece (see here), and a photo of us relaxing under a replica statue of David on a hill in Florence, Italy (see here). Doesn't that make us sound well traveled!

It doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the art on the walls, being green, so I've been keeping my eye out for something else to make the "schweet pea" reference in a slightly more attractive way.

When I was searching on Ebay for my heart hole punch to make the little cut-out hearts for the heart art last week, I did a little search for "sweet pea" at the same time. And found this necklace!

The best part? It had a free shipping offer, and cost me $1.59. Total.

Yep! $1.59! I slapped down my credit card, and very soon, the little guy arrived in the mail.

Then I needed to decide where he should go. And I went straight back to my heart art. The little oval-shaped frame next to it, containing a not-particularly-attractive photo of us having a gondola ride in Venice, Italy (see here), seemed like the perfect size and shape to show off my little "schweet pea".

All I did was cut out a piece of red wrapping paper (which I bought waaaaayyy too much of at Ikea a few years ago) to make a coloured backdrop, hung the necklace at the right height in front of the glass, and sandwiched the necklace's chain between the wrapping paper (behind the glass) and the frame's backboard, to keep it nice and secure.

Easy peasy!

It's brought a nice little touch of red to that wall, and has immortalised one of Tom's many crazy nicknames with a bit of bling!

Now I get to figure out what to replace the old sweet pea with!

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