DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

02 February, 2012

Trash the Dress

I'm deviating from house-related news for a moment.

Nearly four years ago, on 19th April 2008, we were married.

A very kind and generous old family friend was our photographer. He used an amazing professional-standard camera, and took some lovely photos.

Unfortunately they were kind of boring photos. Or should I say traditional?

Since the wedding, I made the decision to try to sell my wedding dress, since I'm sure the chances of any future daughter of mine actually wanting to wear it are pretty slim, and storage space is at a premium!

I had ZERO interest in it when I put it on Ebay, and a second-hand store wanted a tiny little tear repaired before they would sell it, which made it hardly worth bothering.

So now... I'm toying with a new idea.

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Cleverly called 'trashing the dress', this concept involves just that. Destroying your wedding dress, and getting some pretty fun photos while you do it!

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Seeing how our actual wedding photos were kind of boring, this might be an interesting way to send out the dress with quite a bang.

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And get a few professional, creative photographs to keep forever.

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We're still thinking of ideas as to how exactly to destroy the dress, but I'm definitely not doing it this way!

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What do you think?

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  1. Do it! That look like awesome fun.

  2. If you need a photographer Bec, I am very happy to assist!!! x

  3. If you're good with a paintbrush...


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