DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

30 January, 2012

There's No Such Thing as Too Many Frames

There's been something that keeps photo-bombing shots of our progress in the home office. Can you spot it?

Here's the story. One evening after work I was all alone in the house. So in looking around deciding what to do with myself, I spotted this wall above my new desk in the home office.

I had been hoarding some more picture frames since making the gallery walls in the lounge. This big one I got for $5 at St Vinnie's...

These were a few more that we either already had, or that I also got at op shops for a few dollars each...

And I found this little pack of three for something like $6 or $7 from Crazy Clarks...

So while the boys were out (and I didn't have to be building a shelf or holding a paint brush), I decided to amuse myself with creating another gallery wall above my desk! The newspaper and painters tape came out again, and I started playing around with arrangement.

And then I realised that I'd missed a couple of frames, so mixed things around a bit more...

Until I finally ended up with this arrangement. Don't mind the missing frame in the centre at the bottom. It fell off. Oh and sorry about the really weird lighting. It was night time.

The next step was gathering my mismatched collection of frames for a spray-painting party.

I decided on white spray paint, to match all the crisp white trim (or what would be crisp white trim, since I started this process before we got that far with the office).

And after much climbing up and down the ladder and attaching screws to the wall, here it is now! Most of the frames are up, but not yet filled.

In two of the frames I did put a couple of postcards we got from art museums during our European travels. One is a Van Gogh...

And the other is a little Monet water lily one. Above a photo from my graduation that I printed out.

I also printed one of the first photos we ever took of Allie when she was nine weeks old, the morning after we brought her home. That's my cutie-pie.

And because I'm a little strange (and I work in finance), I bought an oversized silver calculator and made Tom attach it to the wall just above the desk, too. It makes me happy! Now I'm never going to lose my calculator under a pile of documents again!

So there you have it. My office frame wall in all its unfinished glory. Here's a long shot of how it looks from our new doorway, which also happens to show most of the room in all its unfinished, messy glory as well. Just keeping it real. I have a bit of work ahead of me to organise everything and get it looking schmick, but it's baby steps as always!

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