DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

18 January, 2011

Walls and Cupboards

Once the house was at 'lock-up' stage (i.e. where people couldn't get in anymore without a key), it was time for the internal walls and cupboards, and all the things that would make the house pretty to start taking shape.

The plaster sheeting for the walls arrived.

And here it is up in the master bedroom (with the door to the ensuite on the right).

The master bath was in.

The kitchen was installed.

And then the benchtop was put in.

The laundry bench and tub were put in.

Here's the view from inside the study.

The main bathroom bath and vanity were in.

The very dim walk-in-robe off the master bedroom.

The vanity in our ensuite.

The handles we chose for all of the cupboards and cabinets.

The little vanity in the downstairs powder room.

The painters arrived... This is the main living area.

 The entry, with the front double doors at the far end.

The electrician installed all of our lights and fans, and the painters painted our two feature walls. This is the rumpus room. We chose a Solver colour called 'Winterberry' for the feature walls, and 'Wood Pulp' for the rest of the walls.

So, this brought us incredibly close to the finish line, and then things started going wrong. Check out our mistakes here.

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