DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

28 January, 2011

The Study Garden

I am very proud to announce that I can almost take complete credit for the study garden. The weekend that I decided to tackle it Tom had a uni exam to study for (one of those horrible maths-y ones that require lots of preparation).
So this woman did it for herself. Here’s the area before I attacked it (on the left of this picture):

And here it is from the other angle. Attractive, huh? I got to work digging out all of the crummy soil, and then took a trip to the landscaping store to get nicer dirt to replace it with.

Allie sat in an elevated position, all the better to supervise me from.

And then got distracted by the grass nearby.

And magic! Here it is done! Sorry, again my in-progress photos are a little lacking. I was too busy labouring hard to record the event! Silly me. I should have got proof!

Here I am standing proudly by the garden.

And here is a better shot of the little plants. I planted Westringea Coast Rosemary (the only Australian native in our garden), and a little conifer (which later died because we planted it too close to the house, so I had to replace it).

Tom then had to take a moment to mourn as we realised that somewhere along the line (not while I was working on the study garden), the little house mascot lost part of his rear end! See more about him here.

Now back to my pretty plants. After a week or so they were looking a little bit sorry for themselves. I decided to give them a serious pruning (which is always hard when you’re impatient for them to grow and don’t want to go backwards), and they recovered really well.

And here they are flourishing (even after Allie decided to uproot one of them) over a year later!

And that’s the small victory of getting the study garden (i.e. the garden outside the study window) done! At this early-ish stage of the landscaping it was really nice to tick the smaller, achievable-in-one-day jobs off the list. And of course to prove to the husband that I don't rely on him to complete EVERY task!

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