DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

17 December, 2012

The Mission Continues

What mission, you ask?

Well, that would be my idiotic mission to paint the entire inside of our downstairs house extension ourselves, rather than fork out any money to professional painters.

We began our second still-not-yet-re-plastered-so-can't-paint-many-things weekend back in the master bedroom, which had seen a couple of coats on the cornice and ceiling the previous weekend.


It is the only entire room that didn't really need any plastering work, so we undercoated all of the walls, and then started painting. I'd decided to go a little darker for the paint colour in that room, with Dulux's Flooded Gum. I cut in, Daniel rolled. Typical story.

Unfortunately we took shockingly few photos, so that's the only shot you get of that room for now.

Then we moved on to the hallway, which had also had its cornice and ceiling painted previously, and now we slapped a couple of coats of Dulux's Dieskau on those walls. It nearly looks like a proper house in this shot!

But all it takes is walking a couple of steps forward to get this peek of the kitchen and the unfinished ceiling in the lounge to remember that this is definitely a work in progress still!

But let's back up a step, shall we? The reason why the hallway was looking fabulously complete was not just because of the grey paint on the walls, but because I painstakingly puttied, no-more-gaps-ed, undercoated, and then gloss-white-coated (twice) all of the door frames and architraves while Daniel was rolling paint on the bedroom walls.

And then I repeated the process on all of the window frames (with doggie photo bombs of course)...

And then, because I'm a sucker for punishment, I followed that with painting all of the little sashes on the windows themselves with an extra small brush.

In actual fact, the process of painting the windows themselves took much longer than that single weekend. I got into the habit of spending about two hours each morning painting before work during the week, and could usually get a single coat on a single window (two if I was really lucky - i.e. it was the final coat so it slopped on easier) in that time. So at that painfully slow pace I had the windows all done in a week or so.

And of course, my trusty inspector made sure I did a good job.

But let's get back to the weekend in question, shall we?

Next step? This.

That was me attempting to undercoat the wall above the kitchen cabinets. Since the pantry cabinet itself is nearly 1m by 1m, the only way of actually successfully reaching the corner to paint it was to essentially lie on top of the cabinet. You can thank my wonderful brother for that attractive shot above.

Fortunately we were at least rewarded for our contortion efforts (three times over - undercoat, grey coat, grey coat) by eventually being able to admire our fully painted kitchen wall.

I was pretty pleased that we'd managed to keep ourselves entirely occupied for yet another weekend painting things that needed painting but that didn't require the plasterers first, but we were reaching the limit of what we could accomplish without the all-important plastering. Thankfully the plasterers were due that following week! Watch out for massive progress!

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