DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

13 December, 2012

Step to It

It's high time I returned to our situation downstairs and gave you an update.

We'd lived through the disastrous day when we found out we had to raise our floors (and ceilings) up about 35cm, we'd ripped out ceilings and raised windows and doorways, and we'd even got a head start on the painting, but there was one very important thing missing.

Our new floors! They arrived looking like this.

Well, part of them did.

I wasn't quick enough to capture the other part of them before the carpenters had them cut to size and in position. Got to be quick round here!

We had worked out that those joists, which were about 30cm high, plus the yellowtongue boards that would go on top, plus my eventual flooring material on top would equate to just a little over our required floor height. Hooray for being able to use pre-fabricated materials and not having to custom make something at the right height!

When the yellowtongue went in, suddenly it felt like it had been like that all along!

The doors and windows all felt like they were at the right height again, not like someone was playing a strange Alice-in-Wonderland-ish trick on us.


Although of course there was this giant step-up from the garage into the lounge that was a little odd...

And the extra high front doorway with a couple of weatherboards below it from the front of the house (if you can look past all those ugly stacked tables in the front yard).

And there is now quite a significant drop down into the bathroom. Because of the fact that we wouldn't be able to nail joists and new flooring into that room without penetrating the waterproofing membrane, we decided that we would get the tiler to lay an extra deep bed beneath his tiles in order to raise the height of the floor in there. But there will still be a step down from the hallway into that room. Unavoidable, unfortunately!

It's pretty amazing what can change in a day! But there is someone that is even more impressed than I am with the new floor arrangement.

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