This is what our ugly aluminium window in the office used to look like. The plan was that we would eventually get some proper timber windows that actually match the house itself, but in the meantime, this window was functional, and it hasn't been a priority to overhaul it.
And then it cracked. The crack starts about a third of the way up left side of the opening panel.
Here's a close-up.
Since this window gets opened and closed almost every day so I get some breeze through my office, having it fall to pieces on me wasn't a good prospect.
So we went and had a look at the window in the sleepout/verandah along that same wall. It looked the same size...
So we measured both panels, confirmed that they were very closely sized, and decided to switch them, since the window in the sleepout doesn't get opened very much.
But before we attempted to remove the broken window, we decided to take some safety precautions, donning a pair of heavy-duty gloves and a pair of trousers each to protect our arms. Perhaps not our most attractive safety gear!
And then we carefully slid the broken window off its tracks, hoping it would stay in one piece.
We got it out to the sleepout without a hitch, thankfully.
And then slotted the unbroken one into the track in the office.
And there it is! Like the crack never happened!
Unfortunately other cracks keep popping up all over the place...
But we'll deal with those as best we can. Back to the matter at hand! Obviously this window-swap isn't a permanent solution, and it's certainly not ideal to have a cracked window in the sleepout. But fortunately those windows are very high up, so we're not too worried about someone breaking into them, only the risk that the glass may break out and fall! Unfortunately we're stuck with that crack until we open up the sleepout into a verandah and remove the windows entirely.
We'll deal with the other crack in other ways.
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