DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

10 February, 2012

Curtain Dithering

Way back in the dark ages (i.e. last year), you may recall that I was dithering over whether I should go for this colour scheme for my home office...

Or this colour scheme!

I fairly quickly came to the conclusion that I was drawn to the first option much more than the second, but I wasn't convinced that the curtain fabric I had included in that mood board was the right one for us.

Terrain Bloom Seedpod
So I searched for alternatives. And I couldn't find anything that fitted the perfect image in my head! I considered this...

Amy Butler Love Laminated Trumpet Flowers Pink

I quite liked the scale and IKAT pattern on this cushion, but obviously the colours were wrong, and I couldn't find the fabric anywhere, as it was.

Sourced here
And I trawled the online fabric stores searching for the perfect one. Without luck. So, beginning to feel hopeless with indecision, I finally decided to make up this three-page comparison of my shortlist options. Yes, I'm a dork. Get used to it.

They're all options from The Ribbon Retreat, Fabric Traders and

I looked and looked, and got Tom to look and look, and even got Daniel to look (or at least take half a look), and we eventually decided that my very first choice, the Terrain Bloom Seedpod, was in fact the best option after all!

Terrain Bloom Seedpod
I decided to slap down the credit card and take the plunge. It turned out that they only had 10 and 3/4 yards available, at $10.50 US a yard (yes, they're based in the US, so we were talking yards), so I bought the whole lot. $112.88 plus $76.67 in shipping later (although that shipping included some other fabric that I'll talk about later, so it wasn't all for the curtains), and I had my curtain fabric ordered!

I must confess that even now I'm still not entirely certain about it, but for four decent quality, slightly longer than usual curtain panels they're not extraordinarily expensive. After my fabric had already arrived, I did find this fabric option on Ebay that's probably almost exactly what I was looking for originally...

Of course that price is enough to scare anyone away! Well, anyone that doesn't make their curtain rods out of solid 24 carat gold, I'm sure. And it's for 10.5 yards of fabric, slightly less than I ordered. Yikes!

Another thing I discovered only very recently too, is the existence of Spoonflower! It's a website where you can design your own fabric! They charge $16.20 per yard so it's a bit more expensive than what I paid for my seedpods, but considering that you can have one-of-a-kind fabric that's exactly what you want, all I can say is "damn"! Wish I'd found them earlier!

But never mind, it's definitely not the end of the world, and I think I am liking my seedpods. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come...

Won't it be nice to finally have office curtains!!!!

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