DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

02 March, 2011

Where oh Where?

Tom recently gave me permission to sell our giant 2-year-old bedroom suite (see here) in favour of something that will fit the master bedroom in our current house a bit better. And to be honest, in favour of something that fits my current taste a bit better too, much as I loved that suite.

So! The it's-so-giant-it-will-take-up-the-entire-room problem solved, I then moved onto the next... what to do with whatever bed we ended up with. Where the head of the bed goes, there's a window. And an off-centre one at that, which will make it really dificult to work with!

We're sticklers for symmetry (see here), and there seems to be a pretty hard and fast rule that one shouldn't have an off-centre bed head (heaven forbid!).

At first I started dreaming about making my own fancy bedhead, but given the height of the window, there's no room for one! I was stumped. So, I decided to get a few extra opinions, and turned to the questions area  on I got a few suggestions to forgo a bed head entirely and just use a few shams (I had to look up what they are: see here) instead, which sounded like a reasonable idea.

But then... someone came up with the suggestion to move the bed to a different wall. This is the wall opposite the bay window (to the left of the wall with the off-centre window). Please ignore me in this photo, my pants were falling down and Tom caught me mid-pull-up. I'm taking it as a good sign that my pants are too big for me, alright?

But the bed can't go on this wall, because we plan to build a built-in wardrobe on that wall.

Next wall.

The wall next to the door. Except that that's the wall where we're going to put the door to the ensuite, so can't have the bed there!

Which leaves...

The bay window wall. The genius on houzz suggested we remove the window seat and place the bed there instead - nice and central, framed by the windows. My first reaction was something along the lines of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not my beautiful window seat!!!!!" (think little gingerbread man from Shrek 1 screaming "Not my gumdrop buttons!").

But then I thought about it. It's perfect. It gives us a bit more wall space for storage, and i probably would never have actually used the window seat, it would have just looked pretty.

We measured the space, and it's 1900mm wide. Guess how wide our king mattress is? 1800. Woohoo! Now we just have to find a bed frame that is no wider than 1900mm, which is proving to be pretty tricky, since I'm insisting on a bed frame and not just an ensemble, because I want the under-bed storage.

I think we might even be extra clever and just remove the top of the window seat and slot the legs of the bed inside instead of removing the entire thing, since future owners might prefer to have the window seat back. It is a pretty radical move, but provided that we get some hardcore window coverings (the sun comes streaming in that window in the mornings), it should be perfect!

So the master bedroom plan is taking shape. Now for the courage to decide on a ceiling colour!

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