DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

25 March, 2011

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a princess and her prince who moved into a cottage (yes, we truly are that gorgeous - you've seen pictures of us, right?).

They decided that they wanted their cottage to be bigger, so began planning to build another storey underneath their cottage where their pet frog could live.

sourced from 123RF

They moved out just before Christmas one year, so that their cottage could be lifted high up into the air. It was not safe for the cottage's light fairy to stay, so she too had to move out until the cottage was safe again.

sourced from artsy time

A month passed, and the cottage was ready for the light fairy to return.

sourced from Flickr

But the queen of light (who ironically wore very dark clothing) kept foiling the light fairy's plans to return. The light fairy tried, and tried, but to no avail.

So the prince and princess waited. And waited. And waited. And kept on living out of suitcases.

And you want to know the real kicker?

There's no living happily ever after. There's no decent conclusion to this story. There's just more waiting and more bad news and more disappointment. Because guess what? The power company have said that this time around (it being the third time we've lodged the form to get the power reconnected), they need to involve the council to come and close off our street in order to reconnect our power (excuse me? why not the other times as well???). So instead of the usual ten-working-day wait, we have to wait extra time for yet another government-run bureaucracy to get their act into gear to come and reconnect the power.

The expecteded date for reconnection then? 8th April. ANOTHER two weeks, and almost FOUR months since the FURIOUS prince and princess had to move out of their house.


Nuff said.

sourced from Kotaku

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