DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

30 December, 2010

No more kitchen!

The Christmas period hasn't seen much more action on the house, with visits to family members and general relaxation getting in the way of our grand plans to make headway on the renovations.

Tom carrying Allie up the ladder into the house. Doesn't she look like she's loving it!! NOT!

The backyard continues to look like a bomb has hit it
Some of the tiles that we ordered for the bathrooms. Tom and Daniel put a mammoth effort into lifting them all in to the house (after the staircases were removed, mind you)

Our temporary mobile kitchen underneath the house... consists of a microwave and a rice cooker, powered by a generator!
The cabinet-less kitchen. You can see that someone obviously stained the floor after the cabinets were installed
The little add-on to the kitchen, now with all of the framing removed.
The very important task of possum removal begins...

Has Tom met his match?
So incredibly disgusting!
And that's it for the moment! We did a bit of demolition yard shopping yesterday and bought some timber to extend the kitchen add-on, so that is tomorrow's project. We also found some absolutely wonderful 100-year-old French doors that will eventually be the entries from the front verandah into the lounge room and office.

There's a lot to do before we get there though!

So long for now! I should have pictures of the kitchen add-on tomorrow (hopefully!!).

Love Bec

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