DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

22 March, 2012

Australia Has No Rugs

I've been searching for a rug for my office for what feels like an incredibly long time.

In fact, I 'pinned' this particular image on pinterest 29 weeks ago (I think it's the IKEA Stockholm Rand rug) as a possibility.

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And many others followed as potential inspiration...

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This particular rug was actually the one I featured in the mood board that I made for my orange-focused office colour scheme.

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I was intrigued by this option. This lady actually painted the pink pattern on this rug, which started out in life as a cheap IKEA flat woven rug.

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I didn't want to commit to a rug until I had my curtains up in the office, so I could properly gauge what colour my rug should be. I was expecting the vibrant colour of my curtains to be pretty dominant, and thought I might need to tone it down a bit with a soft grey-coloured rug.

The problem was, I could not find any rugs that I liked that were available in Australia! I didn't travel the country exhaustively of course, but I searched every website I could possibly find that sold rugs, trying to find a pattern that I could like. And I came up with virtually nothing. Why doesn't Australia get decent rugs?

All it took was a quick search for "grey rug" on to find half a dozen rugs that I would have happily purchased.

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The problem? Every single one of them says this.

So I began to think I would have to be more realistic, and settle for something a little less fancy, that I knew I could get in Australia.

I considered this option...

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 And even this option!
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And I found this option on Ebay...

But I just wasn't in love.

Then, I received an email form Urban Outfitters, a US store that does in fact ship to Australia, with a one-day offer of $5 Economy Delivery to Australia. Hallelujah!

I found this soft grey chevron patterned rug, and loved it.
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 I popped it straight into my 'shopping bag', and got this far with checkout. But then no further!

In case you can't read that horrible red error message, it says "There are item(s) in your cart that cannot be shipped to Australia. Please return to your shopping cart and remove them before proceedig through checkout".

I was so disappointed.

So my search continued, without turning up much. When we made a little trip to IKEA, we decided to pick up a Nastved rug for $30. It fit in the room nicely...

And it looked nice with the curtains...

But I wasn't in love. It made me realise that I really would love some more orange on the floor of the room, to tie in with the curtains.

Then one day, I just happened to read this post on the blog Making it Lovely, referring to a bedroom makeover she had done. It had been featured in Australian online magazine Adore Home, and a few of the products she used were from West Elm.

I had always thought that West Elm was a U.S.-only shop, so that pricked my interest. West Elm in Australia? I had no idea that they could ship overseas!

So I headed straight over, and guess what I found?!

It was love at first sight. It's the Iznik Dhurrie rug in colour "Sorrel". I was a bit worried by the fact that the colour "Sorrel" implies that it might be more of a rusty-orange sort of colour rather than a vibrant orange like my curtains. So I did a bit of googling for other pictures of it.

And I came across this one!

Sourced here
After all my rug disappointment so far, I was determined that this wouldn't be a mistake. So I decided to contact the owner of that living room, to see what her thoughts on the actual colour of the rug were. Courtney (of A Little Glass Box) was lovely. She responded in record time, and calmed my fears. The rug is a vibrant orange.

I didn't need to be told twice.

I slapped down my credit card for the $138.70 (including discounted shipping), and waited with baited breath for it to arrive.

Which it did, a couple of weeks later!

And I couldn't wait to roll it out in its new home.

At first I was a bit worried that it wasn't close enough to the same shade of orange as the curtains, but because it's not directly next to them, the difference is not actually that obvious. And I love the extra shot of vibrant colour it adds to the room.

Allie loves it too.

What do you think? Orange enough?


  1. OMG, I couldn't believe when I stumbled across this post. My rug search has gone on for over a year!!! Yes Australia has no decent rugs (that I could afford). I will pop over to West Elm and check that out.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had trouble! Good luck! Hopefully you find something over there that could work for you!

  2. You are a star! Thank you for this wonderful information about rugs. I have had so much trouble finding anything under $3000 (!) that I would like in my home!

    I am on the West Elm site right now having difficulty deciding on which rug to order!

    Well done!!

  3. There is a shop on Etsy selling hand painted Chevron rugs in Melbourne. I think it's called KittyandPearl.

  4. AMAZING!! Love it!!!

    Thanks for the links too, there is a rug drought in Australia for sure!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Ahh I have been waiting and WAITING for good rugs to arrive in Australia - I went into a Rug shop the other day and even asked the manager why they cannot source rugs that are in current colours and patterns. He was pretty surprised as he thought he was doing that (poor dear) until I showed him my pinterest account haha! West Elm are the best, glad you found what you were looking for - Freedom Furniture have just started stocking 'some' nice rugs also.

    1. Good for you, showing the rug shop owner the error of his ways, Kate! Maybe it's the start of a rug revolution!

  7. Thanks for this post! And all who has commented! You don't know how much this has helped me too - no rugs in Australia - I don't understand, we need nice rugs too! :-)

  8. Omg this so soooo super helpful!

  9. No longer unfortunately! I have also purchased rugs from but was devastated to find that Australia has now been dropped from their shipping list. There is now a operating from Sydney (with less products and much more expensive!) whose contract included Australia being excluded from

  10. overstock now ships to Australia :-)

  11. I also wrote a blog on this exact topic. West Elm now has a shop in Bondi Junction Sydney. When I went in there, they said they are expanding to Melbourne and Perth too.
    I have some more rug suggestions on my blog post too.

  12. Thank you! What a massive gap in the market though! Definitely could use addressing. I will pop over to West Elm now :)

  13. Hello guys,
    I am glad to visit on this website..I got an interesting information from here.. have been waiting for good rugs to arrive in Australia - I went into a Rug shop the other day and even asked the manager why they cannot source rugs that are in current colours and patterns.Thanks for sharing..


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