DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

23 December, 2011

Barbie Lives On!

I've been featured!

Cassity over at Remodelaholic has just featured my Black Beauty (with a side of Barbie) vanity transformation on her blog!

Click here to pop over there and see her (that is Black Beauty's / Barbie's) journey. Terence the Tap also makes an appearance.

Alright, I'm officially crazy with all those nicknames. But I'm excited, alright?!



  1. I found your blog via this post on Remodelaholic and took a look at other things you have made as well- first of all - this work with your bathroom is fantastic! Really great result! And then - many of the things you have done about your house and garden are impressive! Thank you for sharing al these inspirations!

  2. I too found your blog thru Remodelaholic. I love the pink you chose for the inside of the cabinet. It is a great surprise inside each door. I can't wait to see the rest of your blog.


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