It's no secret that ever since we first saw the bathroom in our house its days were numbered.
That's it on the right with the smooth fibro walls (as opposed to the weatherboards on the rest of the house).
It was an extension on the existing house, built long after the house was, and it was U.G.L.Y.
And very shoddily (is that a word?) built.
It was built so badly that it even started falling away from the rest of the house (read more about that here), which earned it the esteemed title of "death trap".
We finally decided that it was time to remove the death trap from the rest of the house.
Tom and his brother Phil got to work.
Phil enjoyed the opportunity to take some pent-up aggression out on the walls...
Tom took a slightly more careful approach toward the toilet...
They each ended up with similar results, though.
Allie looked on in amusement and minded the rubber mallet and hand-saw (I have no idea why they're there).
Phil moved on to removing the little vanity unit in the bathroom. It was obviously not easy, from his expression in the mirror!
And then he moved his gentle attentions on to the ceiling.
Here's Allie saying "what have you done!!!!"
Too late to go back now.
Tom then decided it was time to enjoy the scenery from the roof.
I'm surprised he managed to stay up there.
It's amazing how little time it takes to destroy something, when it takes so very very long build it!!
The final stage of the bathroom's destruction took mere seconds. Watch it here, or below.
The very last task was to get the very very heavy cast iron bathtub down into the yard.
As you can see, it was very heavy.
I raced outside to capture its descent through the gap in the wall...
This was the last decent shot I got before it dropped.
Fortunately the boys managed not to follow it, and came down the stairs the usual way. Phil decided to go for a ride.
If we forget the gaping hole in the back of our house now, the next most important item on the agenda was to reconnect our sewerage pipes, so that we could continue to shower and go to the toilet.
If you scroll up to the photo where Allie is saying "what have you done!" you can see our existing sewerage pipe running ninety degrees out from the back of the bathroom. That was the ridiculous situation then.
This is the even more ridiculous situation now.
No surprises that we're keen to get a new sewerage link-up happening STAT!
Oh my goodness! That's quite the plumbing set-up. We had a lean-to similar to this on the old house, but it was just an extension of the kitchen. It was nasty and had to go. Do you have another bathroom?