We still don't have gas hooked up to our lovely kitchen stove, so my cooking style is still very cramped. Here's yet another gratuitous shot of Mr Electric Frying Pan, my favourite cooking companion still.
What has been adding cramps on top of cramps though, was the fact that most of my little potted herbs didn't survive our 3-month Europe trip (Daniel and Allie aren't strong on watering). It's amazing how much I miss cooking with herbs!
So, I decided to remedy that problem on a recent trip to the markets.
Those cute little guys couldn't stay there for too long, though. Allie isn't used to having to share her steps.
Enter this guy. Can you spot him?
Yes, it's a bit like 'Where's Wally' except that you have no idea what Wally looks like. I'll give you some help.
It's Mr Bathtub, left over from our first foray into bathroom renovation last year. I decided that, in a backyard that is nowhere near ready for any kind of permanent landscaping, Mr Bathtub (and his friend on the right, Mr Laundrytub) could be perfect not-so-permanent herbtubs!
We hauled them both into position, put a layer of chunky rocks on the bottom of each and then a nice thick layer of good soil, and voila! Herb gardens!
I even showed off my awesome bricklaying (minus the mortar) skills by making a little brick facade to disguise Mr Bathtub's (ahem... now Mr Herbtub The First) nether regions.
As you can see above, Allie kept a close watch on proceedings.
And then I got to get my hands dirty and started planting my little baby seedlings (plus some seeds).
We even brought in some extra pots to keep The Tubs company and use up all of the soil.
Oh and for those who know anything about plants, I know I've planted these tomatoes too close together. I got lazy, ok?
The pumpkins have lots of space!
Daniel then spread a layer of sugar cane mulch over the top for me...
And the little dog that came with our very first house has finally moved in!
I'm so excited about finally having fresh basil again!
And I can't deny it. These neat little rows make me really happy.
Now if they'd only hurry up and GROW!!!!!!

Love the re-purposing of the tub and laundry sink! I think I have that same sink, as a matter of fact. Great job!