DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

30 August, 2011

Dying to do the Laundry!

When we went through the oh-so-wonderful process that was raising our house, we had to disconnect the plumbing to the then under-the-house laundry.

We didn't consider this much of a problem, since we had grand plans to move the laundry upstairs anyway, tinto this spot, where the fridge lived while we were redoing the floors.


When we moved back into the house earlier this year, we were laundry-less. And more importantly, washing-machine-less. This was a problem we decided to ignore, because we were in the leadup to leaving for our trip to Europe, so we made do with hijacking family's washing machines to keep things relatively clean.

When we returned after three months of hotel basin laundry though, the story was entirely different. Plumbing the washing machine went straight to the top of our list of priorities!

And so, we set out to address this problem.

We bought a flexi hose from Bunnings to attach to the washing machine's hose. A little oven tray works as a drip collector (just in case).

And the bathtub in the crummy old bathroom serves very well for drainage until we get our more permanent laundry situation sorted out.

And so you see the beginnings of our laundry take shape.

Perhaps next on the laundry to-do list is rigging up some kind of proper washing line, since our poor backyard hills hoist got attacked by our tree-felling efforts months ago, and has never really recovered.

To be honest? I don't care!!! I'll take a broken hills hoist any day over being washing-machine-less!!!

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