DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

14 August, 2011

Appraising Antibes

After spending a couple of hours in Nice, we hopped on a bus to visit the nearby town of Antibes.

A big band was playing in the town square we stumbled across. Interestingly enough, they weren't French. They were from America. They were definitely enjoyable nonetheless! So we stayed and watched/listened for a while.

We eventually tore ourselves away in order to make our journey worthwhile and actually see some of the town.

Tom likes the sound of a career in yacht management.

It didn't take us long to find the waterfront. The thunderclouds were pretty impressive!

The sea of boats (har har) was pretty impressive too!

I liked the black shiny yacht the best.

But I liked the view along this gangplank the best.

Tom couldn't take his eyes off the sights to see on land, though.

And for a bit of contrast, I thought this particular sight was lovely.

In the background here was a yacht so big it couldn't fit inside the harbour with all of the other multi million dollar cruise boats. I thought it was a cruise ship until Tom corrected me. Amazing.

As the thunderclouds rolled in and we got worried that we wouldn't be able to find cover fast enough, we set up camp in this little tent thingie.

The view was pretty good.

I pulled out the poncho and prepared for the worst, nevertheless. At least the poncho was warm!

When the storm never really eventuated, we took one last look at the yachts...

And made our way back into town in search of food.

I may have got a little sidetracked taking photos of doors and windows..

We decided to bite the bullet and treat ourselves to a feast. I wanted to try the bouillabaise (a local specialty), but at 35 euros a pop, I decided instead to go for a fish soup, figuring it was similar.

It was disgusting.

Tom got a little tomato tart thing. It was much nicer.

For main course, I got another fish course.

It was much nicer than the fish soup, but not as good as Tom's steak...

For dessert, Tom got a brownie.

I got a cheese platter. Not really what I felt like by the end of the meal, so I'll chalk the meal up as very poorly chosen on my part!

And that was Antibes! Because the 1-euro buses don't run late at night, we had to catch a train. Which was much quicker than the bus journey, but cost us 11 euro each! Ouch!

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