DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

04 July, 2011

Crashing Cologne

 We arrived in Cologne in the late afternoon, and found our hotel, which was in an area that was experiencing a bit of rejuvenation. We watched in awe as this nearby building was demolished in front of our eyes.

This building gets to stay, I think.

As does this one, the main cathedral.

We went for a bit of a wander around the little city, to get our bearings.

We crossed a bridge that was once again covered in padlocks...

And admired the cloudy but still beautiful view from the other side.

We crossed back over again, and found the chocolate museum. It was closed for the day at the time, but we definitely had to ear-mark that one to come back to!

There was an olympic museum right next door, also closed.

 We made our way back into the city centre as our stomachs started grumbling.

Can you spot what doesn't fit here? Perhaps an expensive car logo on a very old bicycle?

They really do seem to love their bikes in Cologne.

We admired more buildings...

And then found ourselves. In fact, we were so ravenous that we almost forgot to take a photo before we were finished.

We went for a last little walk around the city by night before negotiating the neighbourhood of construction sites where our hotel lay.

On our way 'home', we got excited when we walked past a jazz bar, and eagerly went inside to see what the music was like. This was the decoration in the interior. Those are saxophones on the ceiling. Although the decor was pretty cool, the atmosphere of almost pure cigarette smoke was a little hard to take, so we left within about 3 seconds.

I snapped a final photo of a Cologne door before retiring the camera for the evening.

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