DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

07 July, 2011

Because we Can Can Can!


After our big day in Versailles, we decided to walk out to the Montmarte district of Paris (where the Moulin Rouge is) to see what there was to be seen.

We briefly considered eating here, where there was a very impressive selection of seafood arrayed outside, but kept moving instead.

We found a place where we could try a few very French delicacies (read all about that experience here)

We then began the climb up Montmarte to see if we could find a nice vantage point of the city. We found a very interesting graveyard along the way...

And a few little peeks of the city of Paris at the top of steep streets.

This statue takes the cake for being one of the most interesting we've seen... no idea who it is.

We also found the most impressive guard dog we've ever met. He looked so cute and adorable standing behind the door to this art gallery, but if you dared to touch the glass... watch out!

Nearing the top of the hill...

The Sacre Coeur holds pride of place at the top of the hill.

And holds a very commanding view.

When we got 'peckish' again (as they say Down Under), we sampled a seafood restaurant. Here's Tom in his trying-to-be-French outfit posing in front of one of the fancy wooden panels in the restaurant.

For more details on the food experience (including my encounter with a hermit crab), see here.

We found a place where we could climb up behind a railing and get a shot of the little baby Eiffel Tower peeking out from the skyline. It looked pretty funny being dwarfed by the closer TV antennas.

When night had fallen the search light came on. It's pretty amazing.

We decided it was time to come back down to earth, so we climbed down and made for the Moulin Rouge. Very pretty on the outside! We didn't bother seeing what it was like inside.

That's me, contemplating whether I should become a can-can dancer. Just kidding mum.

We then hopped straight on the very conveniently located metro stop outside and made our way back to the hotel for a much-needed rest.

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