DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

23 May, 2013

Moving In

We've moved in to the new house!

It was a hot and steamy day, and we had just pulled an all-nighter at our current house to try and get all of its outstanding jobs completed. We were still frantically mopping floors and carrying things down to the car when the new tenants arrived with some furniture to move in. Embarrassment!

Thankfully they were lovely about it. Perhaps the fact that we were basically walking zombies at that point had something to do with it. So, we piled the remaining bits and pieces into the back of the ute and drove it over to the new place.

Having had nothing to eat or drink in quite some time though, we took one look at the house and the things still left to do, and turned right around and drove straight over to my brother Daniel's new place. We turned up on his doorstep demanding food and sustenance, and then promptly crashed on the floor of one of his bedrooms.

We roused ourselves eventually, since the prospect of all the work we had to do at the new house before we'd be able to go to sleep again was worrying me, and there was NO way that I was going to be sleeping on any crusty old carpets over there!

So to our new home we went, dragging Daniel with us.

And we proceeded to toss everything in the house that made us shudder over the balcony.


And we found all manner of junk!

It would appear that the man of the house used to be a bit of a tinkerer!

Tom was quite enamored with this old tie.

The bathroom I could not stomach. We're showering at Daniel's place (which is thankfully not far away) until we sort out our shower arrangements.

 So! With a pile of junk in the front yard that now looked like this (the boys had competitions to see who could throw things the furthest)...

We were at last left with a relatively clean slate in the house to get organised. We'd done loads of our furniture and belongings in the evenings of the week prior. We'd removed the strangely angled bed in the master bedroom and tossed the mattress into the yard, which included getting rid of the ridiculous strung-up extension leads along the back wall of the bedroom... what were these people thinking?

And I started vacuuming the carpet in there in the hopes of making the room feel less awful. It didn't work. The carpet basically crumbled as I rolled over it with the vacuum.

Eugh. Makes my skin crawl. Although I will say that there is a surprising lack of creepie crawlies present in the house (thank goodness), so that's something to be grateful for! Nevertheless, there was nothing for it but to get rid of the carpet if we were to have a peaceful night's sleep! Tom got to work immediately.

It came up quite easily, and the room was transformed!

Beautiful wide never-varnished floorboards! Won't they be amazing all done up in the future? But the most important thing to me right now? They feel clean!!!!

So the carpet went the same way as all of the other junk quick smart, we moved our bed in, trundled off to Daniel's house for quick showers, and then crashed (in bed, not the car).

Remind me, whose idea was it to move house? Can I kill them? We're desperately missing our lovely kitchen and bathrooms!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that move was quick you guys dont mess around. Lifting the carpet up was the first thing we did in our home too and like yours they were unvarnished natural boards such a surprise and now the feature of our home (and name of my blog!).
    Cant wait to see what you guys to do this place ... let the fun and games begin!
    P.S. I guess brothers come in handy for some things :)


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