DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

02 November, 2012

We're Plastered

We're plastered.

Not drunk, plastered.

As in... there is plaster on the walls downstairs, and it actually looks like a real live house in there! Here's the main living area.

The big plaster boards themselves go up incredibly fast. And then there's the more painstaking process of covering up all of the seams and corners and putting in the cornices.

But the beauty of that initial putting-up-boards stage means that one moment I was looking at this...

And in the space of a couple of hours, this happened! The walls aren't see-through anymore!

The kitchen is like a real room...

There are clear defined doorways to the bedrooms (although this bedroom wasn't boarded yet)...

There are wardrobe spaces...

And there's a little decorative shelf alcove thingie in the corner of the hallway...

There's a bathroom with walls...

And a bathroom that I can now imagine having a bath in!

It's like a real house!

So after all the boards were up, the plasterers came back to cover up all of the seams between the boards and install the cornices. So the view to the main living area went from this...

To this! So pretty!

It's not hard to imagine it actually being liveable now, is it?

It's certainly a far cry from this!

Looking back at shots like that, and remembering slipping and sliding around in all of that mud makes me very proud of how far we've come, that's for sure!

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