DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

28 June, 2012

Ikea-ness and Spontan-eity

Back when we made our last pilgrimage to Swedish homeware heaven, we bought this guy. I can't seem to find him on the Australian IKEA website, but I assure you, he exists!

Seeing that most things in my office are painted either grey or white though, he was clearly the wrong colour.

So he sat around for a while, until we finally pulled out all the drawers for a few coats of paint.

And after letting it dry for a nice long time, I surveyed the office for a home for him.

I particularly liked the view of this area.

I decided that the section of wall beneath my stationery pegboard was the best place for him. Here it is from a much less cute view.

So I drilled a few holes in the back (and one side) of the little cabinet...

And then set up a very sophisticated support system made up of a side table and a stack of paper to hold it in place where I wanted it.

I then went a little overboard screwing it into the wall on the back and side.

I popped the drawers back in...

And voila! Some much-needed hidden storage space for things that don't fit easily into the jars above!

Since my dining table turned desk doesn't have any drawers at all, it's nice to finally have a place for post-it notes.

It does stick out a bit from the door frame, but because we painted it the same colour as the wall it's kind of camouflaged. Please excuse all of those unsightly cables hanging around. My cable-wrangling extravaganza didn't stretch as far as this other side of the desk. In reality, it's just my laziness. All of those cables can disappear when I finally get myself to a store that sells electronic things and buy a network cable that is long enough to run from our modem (which is in the lounge on the other side of those doors), under the floor of the house, and up to my phone. That's all it will take, and yet I still haven't done it!

As you can see from the shots above, the puppy dog was displaced during the cabinet installation process, but she didn't go far.

But that's not all of the IKEA-ey goodness happening in the vicinity of my desk! I convinced (it didn't take much convincing) a friend to go on another pilgrimage with me over the weekend, and I picked up one of these! It's the Spontan newspaper rack.

And I had the perfect place to put him. See this wall on the other side of my desk, which is no longer overrun with power cords?

Perfect spot for some Spontan-eity! Who just happens to be just the right colour to play the camouflage game as well!

I think I'm getting very close to being able to claim that every single little bit of potentially useful wall space is occupied in my office!

Since I spend most of my time in there, that's a good thing, right?

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