DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

14 June, 2011

Schnitzel Time!

After our power nap to recover from the Vienna Boys Choir, we took to the Viennese streets again.

And this was the first thing we saw. Interesting.

Oh and then, guess what? More beautiful buildings! Vienna is incredible that way. It feels like there are fancy buildings absolutely everywhere.

Brief pause for Tom to be hip and cool.

Oh and then he had to have a conversation with a statue.

And thought about whales.

That done, I admired more beautiful buildings.

St Stephan's church in the centre is incredible. Those roof tiles are truly amazing.

Yes, I'm really that tall.

We went from that to admiring the very surprised looking mannequins in windows...

And then we arrived at the Figlmüller restaurant where they are famous for serving absolutely giant schnitzels.

They obviously don't require much salt.

And then the schnitzel arrived. Not only was it GINORMOUS, it was delicious!

I ordered the crayfish, avocado and asparagus salad. And it too was DELICIOUS! Best meal we'd had in ages!

On our slow, fat way back to the hotel, we attempted to get a picture of Tom's body suspended above this skirt and legs. I have to explain it, because multiple walls of glass don't really allow attempts like this to work. It was fun at the time!

We passed the church again...

We admired a street with Swarovski Crystals on the corner, and twinkly lights across the road. Sparkly.

We popped into a souvenir shop to admire the noise-making soft toy beer mugs. It burps.

I preferred to cuddle up to Mozart.

And then to gaze into shop windows admiring... wait for it... the way the curtains draped on that cool Ikat rug. Yep, I'm in a beautiful European city, and I still spend a good portion of my mental energy still dreaming of decorating our house. Crazy? Maybe.

Tom felt he had an affinity with this man. He might need to grow his moustache back.

More beautiful buildings...

Tom almost got eaten by a lion...

And then we finished on beautiful buildings again.

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