DIY Explanation

pour améliorer, meaning 'to improve', is a humble record of our renovation, home improvement and landscaping projects, with our travel adventures thrown in.

25 February, 2011

Table Talk

Guess what people? I have made my next furniture purchase for the house! And better yet, guess what it cost me? $40 and a drive up to Narangba last night.

Here she is:

That was the photo in the ad. Unfortunately it was too dark and I was too tired last night to snap some shots of my own, but that's her! How good is she for $40?

I have grand plans to paint her a glossy dark brown or black, and to pair her with these dining chairs from our old house (perhaps with their legs painted a darker colour):

We can't keep our old dining table (shown in the above photo) that was a hand-me-down from some kind relatives of Tom's, because we can't physically fit it into the house! It's pretty giant, and no amount of manouvering is going to get it in any of the doors, unless we hire a crane and bring it in through the window. Not exactly in the budget.

So, we figured it was time to say goodbye to it, and I started dreaming of a new table. It didn't take me long to figure out that I wanted one like this:

Capitol Lighting 1-800lighting Photos traditional dining room

or this:

Living Room Becomes A Work Space  living room

or this:

Lindy Donnelly traditional living room

Why round? Because our house is pretty tiny, and a big rectangular table would simply take up too much space. Tom and Daniel are demonstrating the width of the dining room pretty well here in this pre-floor-transformation photo:

Plus, we have a round ceiling rose with a pendant hanging from it in the centre of the space, which lends itself nicely to a round table being centred right beneath it.

So, I hopped on the web and did some Ebay and Gumtree searching. And I found her! Here she is again:

I love the bulbous look to the pedestal, and the rim detail running around the edge of the table top. She's going to look so beautiful all painted and glossy! Now I just have to add her to the list of painting jobs... eek. Considering I've never actually painted a piece of furniture, I'm sure getting ambitious, planning to paint all of our kitchen cupboards and hutch, and our buffet for the dining room! The painting of the rest of the walls inside the house will probably have to come first though.

But how good is that?! $40 plus a few coats of paint, and we've got ourselves a lovely, sturdy, well-made dining table.

That's the plan for this weekend at least! Wish us luck!

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